Empower. Inspire. Employ.
Our Mission
The Jay Shop’s mission is to provide employment opportunities, training, and work experiences for people with disabilities or those facing socioeconomic challenges.
We strive to hire and train members of our community often overlooked by employers and enable them to achieve their highest potential of employment and earned income.

Our Core Values
The Jay Shop was founded on the following core values and we strive to meet and exceed the expectations of our mission and our community.
To empower employees to reach their full potential.
To hold both our management and our workers accountable for their actions and commitments.
Second Chances
To believe in the capacity of rehabilitation and offer a chance for workers to better their lives.
To create a diverse workplace where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.
Our History
The Jay Shop was founded in the fall of 1965 by the Jaycee Chapter of Oakland County, in collaboration with Dr. Donald Martin, Hospital Director of Pontiac State Hospital as a mental health rehabilitation program. The program was formally incorporated in May 1966, and named The Jay Shop in honor of the Jaycee Chapter that founded our organization.
Since our founding, The Jay Shop has become an integral part of our community, providing disadvantaged and disabled persons in Oakland County with employment and work experiences to build a foundation for a future career.